Iron Mountain® dedicated professional staffing

Solution Guides

Records and Information Management (RIM) is complex - your information is growing rapidly and improperly managed records increase your costs for discovery, litigation and storage.

January 22, 20246 mins
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Business challenge

To keep pace with rapid information growth and manage the costs of compliance, litigation and storage, organizations develop record retention programs and compliant Records and Information Management (RIM) processes. Implementing these requires trained RIM professionals. Unfortunately, staffing levels do not always keep pace with the demands these programs place on an organization. This can result in increased risk, failure to meet regulatory requirements, or un-met business objectives. Fortunately there is a solution: Iron Mountain Professional Staffing.

We will provide professionals based on your program requirements, including:

  • Records managers and supervisors:
    Direct oversight responsibility for all aspects of records management for both paper and electronic records.
  • Information governance professionals:
    Certified professionals will define the roles, policies, processes and metrics required to manage information throughout the lifecycle, including defensible disposition.
  • Senior/records analysts:
    Perform information management activities for both physical and electronic records; such as Iron Mountain Connect™ and your RIM systems.
  • Records coordinators:
    Supports records management activities such as creating, maintaining, processing, recording, accessing, and releasing documents, files and other information.

Dedicated professional staffing

Our certified professionals can support you at your workplace, remotely, or from an Iron Mountain location. All of our employees have extensive training and experience with Records and Information Management (RIM) and Information Governance (IG) and bring Iron Mountain expertise in records retention, defensible disposition, and digitization. In addition to their training, employees are certified through the ARMA Essentials of RIM/IG Program, many of which go on to pursue their CRM, CRA, IGP, or CIP certification. At the start of any engagement, a certified program manager will be assigned to your account to manage your dedicated team and provide one source of contact to oversee all your staffing requirements.

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Trusted partner

Iron Mountain is an enterprise-wide partner for information management and is probably already providing services to your company. This means that you won’t have to worry about training additional staff on your specific policies and procedures for these services.

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Expertise and analysis

Iron Mountain is a recognized leader in the RIM/IG area and is trusted for its expertise and robust reporting capabilities. We use this insight to enable data-driven decision-making for your organization and provide an advanced level of operational insight. Lower your administrative burden and keep your program strong.

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Comprehensive coverage

Our global service footprint and resources bring the power of Iron Mountain to you with program management and accountability. Wherever you have operational locations, we have resources and can provide the services that you need where you need them.

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Single supplier efficiency

We provide you with everything that you need for a comprehensive RIM/IG solution: services, supplies, and staff. This gives you one vendor to have to work with, one set of governing agreements, and one bill so that costs can easily be distributed across individual departments as needed. The ability to spend more time on your core business because your information obligations are under control.

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Superior support

Iron Mountain is a leader in the RIM/IG space with widely used records storage, document scanning, and document destruction services. With Iron Mountain Professional Staffing you get a new level of support and integration for the RIM services you are already using. Peace of mind knowing you have exceptional talent managing your RIM / IG program.

Learn more

To learn more, see Iron Mountain’s Dedicated Professional Staffing site at